Welcome to Cumbria BIPC

What Is BIPC CumbrIa
A brand new service

BIPC stands for Business and IP Centre and forms part of The British Library's national network of centres helping to provide support and advice to business owners, entrepreneurs, inventors and people with a business idea. BIPC Cumbria has centre in Carlisle based within the library.

Our centres will be based upon 4 pillars.

1. Business Advice

Our trained advisors are set to take people from a standing start to being business ready. You may only have an idea at this stage or you may already be up and running but don't know what's next. Either way, booking a 1:1 with our team to chat through what should happen is a fire win for you and your future plans in business.

2. Database Access

We have access to some of the worlds leading business research tools including, Local Data Online, Cobra, Kompass and Ibis World. Knowing what information is out there for your sector from who supplies what, to how many competitors are in your area, what vacant properties there are as well as in depth overviews of the trends in different markets over the past few years and looking forwards is an essential part of any plan. Knowledge is power in this case!

3. Intellectual Property Training

Often over looked by many businesses until it is too late, knowing what IP is and how securing yours can help futureproof your business and your offering is essential. Our team are all IP masterclass trained and can take you through a simple audit that will signpost what it is and what you need to be aware of.

4. Experts In Residence

Here at BIPC Cumbria we are developing a really strong team of experts in residence. Their expertise cover all areas of business from legal to marketing and wellbeing to accountancy. Keep an eye on our programme of events that will signpost you to where this ever growing team could expand your knowledge base and give your business the edge it needs in the marketplace.