Ben's Blog

Welcome to Ben's Blog

Welcome to the new the obvious way to start this first blog of 2023 i guess1 i didn't get to write one of these last year as our service was not even born yet here in Cumbria, it has been quite a year from when i started in February to where we are now at. A year that has proved what a strong team can be built in a short time when given the right resources and of course the right people to build it around.

The BIPC is a national network (Business and Intellectual Property Centres) based in the library service that provides free at the point of access advice to pre and post start-ups. We have a wealth of experience and knowledge on local, national and international levels that can help you make those steps in business. Whether that is how to take our kitchen table ideas to market, how to progress yourself as a sole trader to a limited company or if your next steps to world domination are held within some of our world leading databases and business research tools. Whatever your next steps we are here to help guide you through and signpost you to where the help and advice may be.

Since launching in the summer, we have had over 60 1:1 appointments on many varied topics from finding a premises to accessing funding, using market research tools to help writing a business plan (hint: it doesn't need to be super long and awkward anymore!) It has amazed me the variety of people through the door and the questions they pose. Thankfully we have already built a good track record for fielding these varied questions and I can not speak highly to start with our service is to book a 1:1 here but give our advisors as much information about what you are after so they can prepare the best answers for you when you meet either virtually or online. I always say if you are not sure if you need our help, you probably do! Here at BIPC Cumbria we would rather have the chat than not...because sometimes simply having a chat with someone can help push you forwards.

The last thing i want to mention in this first blog of 2023 is our ever increasing team of experts in residence and our webinar program. We know that we can not be all things to all people, but we do pride ourselves on being able to always signpost the right route to success be it with us or with one of our trusted partners. We have already built up an amazing team of Experts (see here). Our aim in this is to be able to answer all the 'common' or 'big' questions that we see coming up for people in the business field within Cumbria. We often have networking events in person and online for you to share what you do and meet others and learn more about them and promote your business which is a great way to grow your network in a relaxed and informal setting while. Don't wait, come along to our first online networking and information event in January (book your place here) or our first in person event in Carlisle later on in the month (book your place here) Our previous online webinars are also all stored on our YouTube Channel so why not take a look and access them in your own time. Lastly our expert in residence Vinvent Waldon is hosting a free one hour webinar on being a better greener business (which we all need to focus on) in early January so book a place on that here and start taking some simple and easy greener business steps in 2023.

That about wraps it up for me. I just want to wish you all the best for your business journeys in 2023 and remember we are here with a wealth of great resources, events, experts and networking opportunities both online and in person throughout the i hope to see you all very soon!

Ben Heslop, Programme Manager for BIPC Cumbria.